DANCER – HUNTER OF DREAMS – laboratory work
The Rite of Dreams, Studio Burdąg, Poland, 2017
Research Project

Methods developing by Sławek Krawczyński and Anna Godowska for over 10 years, inspired by A. Mindell’s Process Oriented Psychology / Dreambody Work and C.G.Jung Analytical Psychology.

We are interested in the hidden dimension of human existence, remaining constantly in the shadow of ordinary everyday reality, and at the same time deeply permeating and affecting life.
Carl Gustav Jung’s idea of unconsciousness, Arnold Mindell’s process, Dreaming in many ancient philosophies – depending on tradition, this dimension is known under different names, but in all of them it is recognized as a force that to a large extent determines the growth of both individuals and whole societies. For us, the aforementioned ideas are a living source of inspiration, opening us to a wide variety of experiences as potentially creative and liberating.
Regardless of the chosen subject, each project is an attempt to analyse reality from the point of view of a process, myth or dream that gave birth to or shaped a given phenomenon.
This perspective leads to searching for a close relationship between the art and the aspects of psychological and spiritual reality.
Our work approaches dance and performing art as a way to experience, know and reflect various inner contents and processes, both those which are present in the mind of a dancer or performer and those that do not concern them directly, but belong to a wider field of experience.
Theatre is a space of communication where these contents may be – at least to some extent – revealed and transformed.

Hunters: Aneta Jankowska, Meg Janus, Aleksandra Nowicka, Wiktoria Gorodeckaja, Wiktoria Wolańska.

The dream hunter looks with his heart, opens himself up to the unknown and rides forward to meet it, beyond the horizon of average awareness. Sharpening all the senses, he waits for a feeling, vision, sound or smell, which would catch his attention. Following these impulses and transforming into motion the impressions fill his body. He enters the land of dreams, where all the everyday phenomena reveal their unusual dimension. At the same time, what at first seemed inconceivable gradually came closer. The experience deepens and the movement transforms into a dance – the dream is caught. An unusual dancer is born – a dream hunter dancer. His latest trophy is the freshness of perception, a new quality of consciousness, a new creative point of view, mindfulness, acceptance and an extraordinary sense of energy and joy. In this way we are at the source of the dance itself.