I am a reflection in the space of infinity
double countenance
diversity and extremes
being lost and the initial force
breath and the suspension of it
transition, bridge, gate
I am the unnamed
both the spoken and the only thought-of word
I am the road to nowhere
the limit and timelessness
continuous flow
soft, warm dampness
a slit in the black rock
a danger not only to myself
thought and energy
creating over and over again
free will without borders
imagination constructing a form
I give life and I take it
I open and I close, surrendering myself to
I am you and everyone else
I lie and do not know where I am
I feel the presence more than ever
the sleep is now
traces of the past overlaying the present
persistently remind about themselves
everything reflects in the water
moves backward
is seeing opposite than before
behind the glass, in a mirror image
I am the inconceivable vision
a tear, sadness and the abyss
a laugh, scream and the ecstasy
silence, depth and the ocean
I am a visual and intermedia artist.
I dedicate creative activity to the exploration of the human essence and awakening the power of delight and expression over the Nature of life. Researching the possibilities of visualizing transcendental states by means of art is a tribute to the emanation of the source of Truth. I draw from Dance, Yoga and Dharma.
Through the Body I find a unique language of expression. I reach to the hidden experiences and subtle areas of the soul. Breathing practice and meditation allow me to mindfully observe subsequent layers of the interior. Emotions, feelings and thoughts release reactions. Catching perceptions becomes a treasury for registering reflexes, gestures, traces of presence or lack thereof.
Intuition, interaction and improvisation lead me to a synergistic way of action on the border with various media – both traditional, as well as new. The roots and specialization of my activity is graphic art (noble printmaking). The graphic filter of perception has left its mark on drawing, painting and photography. When creating individual images or objects I expand their contexts using video art, installations, live visuals, and performances. Fragments of texts and own poetry constitute an important part of the Process. By defining materialized forms, I invite to interaction, reflection, contemplation.
Thus, I discover the Essence that is looking for a way to express itself.
educational path
2004 Master of Art with honors in the discipline of Fine Arts
diamond, specialization Graphic Arts, thesis supervisior: Prof. Rafał Strent, Faculty of Graphic Arts, Academy of Fine Art. Realization in collaboration with the Roman Turczynowicz Ballet School in Warsaw
2006 – 2023 assistant and teacher at all level of student education, including participation in the formation of Bachelor and Master’s degrees theses
Faculty of Graphic Arts, Stage Design, Media Art, studio: Graphics, Drawing and Painting, Intermedia Communication, Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw
2011 – 2020 Erasmus+ Coordinator at the Faculty of Media Art, Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw
2011 Postgraduate Pedagogy, Pedagogical Studies, Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw
2011 PhD in the discipline of Fine Arts
THE FLOW. Communication in intermedia, thesis supervisior: Prof. Krzysztof Olszewski, Intermedia Communication Studio, Faculty of Media Art and Stage Design, Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw
2013 Inter-University Multimedia Program Training, Fryderyk Chopin University of Music, Warsaw
2019 Organic Music Therapy, Gongs and archaic instruments in therapy and prevention, learning musical improvisation and accompaniment first and second degree, Tomasz Niewiadomy, Organic Art Syntony, Wroclaw
2020 – 2023 Teacher training – hatha yoga B.K.S. Iyengar method, mentor Konrad Kocot, CIRANTAR, Iyengar Yoga Association in Poland
2020 habilitation in the discipline of Fine Arts and Art Conservation
Intermedia Organism / Art Synergy, The Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wroclaw
2024 Training in Practical Bioenergy Therapy and the Basics of Vibrational Medicine with Elements of Quantum Healing, first and second degree, Naturotherapy – Bioenergy Therapy Jerzy Strączyński, Warsaw
solo exhibition, work and research
2022 A Life-Giving Breath derived from the B.K.S. Iyengar method / solo exhibition, Introductions to the world of pranayama / curatorial and yoga meetings, partner: The National Ethnographic Museum in Warsaw, cooperation: Konrad Kocot – certified teacher of Iyengar Yoga, senior level III, patronage of the Iyengar Yoga Association in Poland, The National Ethnographic Museum in Warsaw, Poland
2022/20021 A Life-Giving Breath derived from the B.K.S. Iyengar method, research and realization project carried out as part of a sabbatical at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, partner: The National Ethnographic Museum in Warsaw, cooperation: Konrad Kocot – certified teacher of Iyengar Yoga, senior level III, patronage of the Iyengar Yoga Association in Poland
2020 drops of sand, solo exhibitionof intermedia images i am you and everyone else, being torn by the extremes, on the other side and performance i am not ashamed – EXPRESSION OF THE HEART, BUTOHSFERA, Narbutta 46/48 street (PUBLIK), Warsaw, Poland
2019 drops of sand, solo exhibitionof intermedia images i am you and everyone else and performance being torn by the extremes / THE EXPERIENCE OF THE POWER OF BEING, Pracownia Miedziorytnika, Jurek Trawiński Ecotourism, Nowina, Henryków, Poland
2017drops of sand, poems and photographic documentation cycles, e-publishing
2019/2015 drops of sand / intermedia art research
2018/2011 Intermedia Organism, research on creating an authorial programme, internet publication, programme added as part of the structure of the Faculty of Media Art, Academy of Fine Art in Warsaw, Poland
2018 In Search of Madonna, Il Colore Del Pane 3, Stati d’Animo, site specific, spectacle of Cinematographic Theatre Giancarlo Gientilucci, artiespettaclo / Teatro Nobelperlapace, mammasONica, preformer, photography, L’Aquila, Italy, e-publishing
2018/2017 Butterfly Effect, site specific, Magdalenka, Poland
2017 Love is in the Air, site specific, Nowina, Henryków, Poland
2017 NO LIMIT – Earth/Heaven – Africa, aerial photo ghaphics, internet publication
2017 Rhythms of the Trees / nature & live visuals, images, individual research, Neverland, Nowina, Henryków, Poland, e-publishing
2017 sandance, performance, Dębki, Poland
2017/2016 meg janus intermedia sphere, realization of an e-platform
2016 Bird Radio, site specific, Nowina, Henryków, Poland
2016/2015 Side Effect of Awkward Happiness, images, internet publication
2015 Believe. Omar’s Park, site specific, Nowina, Henryków, Poland
2015 Dance of Likeness, Studio Matejka Workshop, graphic design of the event, The forest base of the Grotowski Institute, Brzezinka, Poland
2014 Dance of Red Thread, Land Art Festival (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland), performative group action and the cycle of works, Nowina, Henryków, Poland
2014 Totem, Land Art Festival (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland), performative group action and the cycle of works, Nowina, Henryków, Poland
2014 Land Art Festival (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland), poster design, Nowina, Henryków, Poland
2013 THE FLOW, individual exhibition, Pod Belką Gallery, Nidzica, Poland
2013 fragility, dance improvisation, Jasieniec Palace, Poland
2013 swing, dance improvisation, Jasieniec Palace, Poland
2013 bowl, performance, Jasieniec Palace, Poland
2013 window, dance improvisation, Jasieniec Palace, Poland
2013 pulse / Body Movement & Live Visuals, images, individual research, interactive dance improvisation, Jasieniec Palace, Poland
2013 immersion / Body Movement & Live Visuals, images, research, interactive dance improvisation, Jasieniec Palace, Poland
2011 NO LIMIT – Earth/Heaven – Africa, aerial photo ghaphics, e-publishing
2011 THE FLOW. Communication in Intermedia. Images from the trip. PhD, research and interactive exhibition, Spokojna 15 Gallery, Warsaw, Poland
2008 timelessness, individual exhibition, Test Gallery, Warsaw, Poland
2006 spacelessness, images
group exhibition, work and research
2022 EXIT / A Life-Giving Breath, video performance as part of Butoh Kai 4, Butohsfera (Publink), Warsaw, Poland
2022 Resonance of the Life-giving Breath – meg janus, Tomek Niewiadomy, The National Ethnographic Museum in Warsaw, Poland
2020 Salon Parametry + / SalonAkademii Gallery, Galeria Salon Akademii Koneser, Centrum Praskie Koneser, Warsaw, Poland
2019 WALL Agnieszka Ćwieląg fotografia meg janus foto-grafika, visual journey notes from Israel/Palestine, presentation of the photo – graphic cicle WALL, Neverland, Nowina, Henryków, Poland
2019 presentation of the performance drops of sand / being torn by the extremes, intermedia organism, BUTOHKAI, ButohSphere, PUBLINK, Warsaw, Poland
2018 Il Colore Del Pane 3, Stati d’Animo, three site specific presentations, spectacle of Cinematographic Theatre Giancarlo Gientilucci, artiespettacolo / Teatro Nobelperlapace, mammasONica, videomapping preformer, L’Aquila, Italy
2018 Between Intermedia Art and Science, a group scientific and research project, publication of the Intermedia Communication Studio, Faculty of Media Art, Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, Poland2018 Strange Garden, site specific, supervision, artistic leading in process, graphic design of the event, poster design, video, National Museum in Warsaw, Poland
2018 Symphonic Fairytale Concert, Interactive Visual Performance as part of the LINK Palermo-Warsaw, Artistic Juwenalia, one of the supervisions, artistic leading in process, coordination, Concert Hall, Fryderyk Chopin University of Music, Warsaw, Poland
2018 Visual Music Workshop, 32 hours, teachers: prof. Luca Pulvirenti, dr Magdalena Janus, cooperation at leading workshops, graphic design of the event, poster design, coordination, Intermedia Communication Studio, Faculty of Media Art, Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, Fryderyk Chopin University of Music, Warsaw, Poland
2018/2017 Dialogue/ Mapping / Strange Garden – research meetings of the Science Club SOKi, supervision, National Museum in Warsaw, Faculty of Media Art, Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, Poland
2018/2017Medium – Body, Anna Godowska author’s Laboratory of Contemporary Dance – research, one of the artists in Labolatory, video montage, Culture Center KADR, The Rite of Dreams, taniec POLSKA, Warsaw, Poland
2017/2014 Intermedia Communication – in search of a methodology and new language based on transcendence. NON-ONBVIOUS eXPERIMENT. A scientific and research project of the Intermedia Communication Studio, member of the research team, Faculty of Media Art, Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, Poland
2017 LINK Palermo – Warsaw, Mapping Found Footage, mapping of students works from both Studios, Luca Pulvirenti – Audio/Video Studio, Academy of Fine Arts in Palermo, Magdalena Janus – Intermedia Organism / Intermedia Communication Studio, Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, three presentations, Artistic Juwenalia, co-authorship, coordination, Fryderyk Chopin University of Music, Warsaw, Poland
2016 Side Effect, meg janus, Anita Kwiatkowska, Krzysztof Olszewski, group exhibition, presentation of work Side effect of Awkward Happiness, poster design, coordination, Konduktorownia, Częstochowa, Poland
2016 Side Effects, exhibition by students and Studio Intermedia Communications Studio co-workers, together with invited artists, Municipal Cultural Centre in Mińsk Mazowiecki, presentation of work THE FLOW, poster and folder design, Municipal House of Culture in Mińsk Mazowiecki, Poland
2016 NET, research, cooperation with Studio Matejka as part of the artistic residence at the Grotowski Institute, Na Grobli Studio, Wroclaw, Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, Intermedia Communication Studio, Polska
2015 NET, research and presentations, cooperation with Studio Matejka as part of the artistic residence at the Grotowski Institute, scenography, intermedia, graphic design of the event, photography, video documentation, Na Grobli Studio, Wroclaw, Polska
2015 Liquid Way to Action, Studio Matejka, intermedia for performance and movie, graphic design of the event, photography, the forest base of the Grotowski Institute, Brzezinka, Poland
2015 Awkward Happiness or Everything I Don’t Remember About Meeting You, Studio Matejka performance, presentations as part of the Edinburgh Fringe Festivale, interactive visualization, graphic design of the event, Summerhall, Old Lab, Edinburgh, Scotland
2015 Awkward Happiness or Everything I Don’t Remember About Meeting You, Studio Matejka performance as part of the Theatrical and Dance OFF Event, authorship: interactive visualizations, graphic design of the event, co-authorship: photography, Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art, Warsaw, Poland
2014 Harmony of Contradictions. Poland, performance of Studio Matejka’s piece featuring invited artists (Australia, Czech Republic, France, Greece, Poland, Italy, USA), site-specific, co-authorship: intermedia, folder, photography, video documentation, authorship: instalotions, catalog, partner Grotowski Institute, Burghers Brewery, Wroclaw, Poland
2013 Liquid Way to Action, Studio Matejka, performer, the forest base of the Grotowski Institute, Brzezinka, Poland
2013 Opera in the section. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: The Marriage of Figaro, Don Giovanni, co-authorship: interactive visualization, Concert of the Vocal Chair, Concert Hall, Fryderyk Chopin University of Music, Warsaw, Poland
2012 istallations interactions performance, presentation of work some pieces… about me and come & go, Concert Hall, Fryderyk Chopin University of Music, Warsaw, Poland
2011 Warsaw Graphic, presentation of work THE FLOW_PAST, Test Gallery, Warsaw, Poland
2010 Intermedia Communications Studio, presentation of work from the cycle Travel, Atidaryta Gallery, Vilnus, Lithuania
2009 Warsaw Graphic, presentation of work Figure X, Test Gallery, Warsaw, Poland
2009 ad-hoc, presentation of work from the cycle monreveafrica, Ostroleka Gallery, Ostrołęka, Poland
2009 ad-hoc, presentation of work from the cycle monreveafrica, Municipal Cultural in Mława, Poland
2009 ad-hoc, presentation of work from the cycle monreveafrica, Municipal Cultural in Maków Mazowiecki, Poland
2009 ad-hoc, presentation of work from the cycle monreveafrica, Municipal Cultural in Przasnysz, Poland
2009 Woman in Art, presentation of work from the cycle someil profond, La Galeria de Arta, Komrat, Moldavia
2009 Woman in Art, presentation of work from the cycle someil profond, La Galeria de Arta, Balti, Moldavia
2009 Woman in Art, presentation of work from the cycle someil profond, La Centrum Expozitional Brancusi, Chisinau, Moldavia
2009 Graphic, presentation of work from the cycle someil profond, Medical University, Warsaw, Poland
2008 IMPRINT, presentation of work from the cycle In the Depth, Palace of Culture and Science, Warsaw, Poland
2008 Triennial of Graphic Arts in Warsaw, presentation of work from the cycle In the Depth, Kubicki Arcades, Warsaw, Poland
2008 Young graphic. IMPRINT, presentation of work from the cycle Timelessness – Self-portrait, Spokojna 15 Gallery, Warsaw, Poland
2008 Ladies and Gentelmen, Graphic from Poland II, presentation of work from the cycle Figure, Kulturzentrum im Krakuer Haus, Nuremburg, Germany
2008 Women in the women Arts, presentation of work from the cycle Figure, Curtural Center of Polish Conculate in Munich, Germany
2007 Ladies and Gentelmen, Graphic from Poland, presentation of work from the cycle Diamond – Dance, Kulturzentrum im Krakuer Haus, Nuremburg, Germany
2007 08.03, presentation of work from the cycle Timelessness – painting, PIKSEL Studio, Warsaw, Poland
2007 Drawing Faces, presentation of work from the cycle Timelessness – drawing, Spokojna 15 Gallery, Warsaw, Poland
2007 Women in the women Arts, presentation of work from the cycle Diamond, Kulturzentrum im Krakuer Haus, Nuremberg, Germany
2005 Magdalena Janus drawing, Piotr Smolnicki graphic, presentation of work from the cycle Timelessness – drawing, The Art Institute, Cieszyn, Poland
2005 Polish Student Graphic Biennale, presentation of work from the cycle Timelessness – graphic, Arsenał Gallery, Warsaw, Poland
2005 Exhibition of works by students and graduates of Academy of Fine Arts, presentation of work Diamond, Olympic Center, Warsaw, Poland
2004 Warsaw Graphic, presentation of work Dance, Test Gallery, Warsaw, Poland
2016 NET, research, cooporation with Studio Matejka, artistic residence at Grotowski Institute, Na Grobli Studio, Wroclaw, Poland
2015 NET, research, cooporation with Studio Matejka, artistic residence at Grotowski Institute, Na Grobli Studio, Wroclaw, Poland
2012 Higher Education grant for young scientists
2011 Warsaw Graphic, First Prize, for the work THE FLOW_PAST
2011 Higher Education grant for young scientists
2008 Warsaw Graphic, ZPAP Prize of the Warsaw region, for the work Figure X
2004 Warsaw Graphic, Third Prize, for the work Wings
2004 Warsaw Graphic, The Award of the Rector of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, for the work Dance
2004 Warsaw Graphic, First Prize for the work Diamond
art training
2018 Individual Work Program – Staff Mobility for Trainig, LLP-Erasmus+ Programme, Foundati on for the Development of the Education System, Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw – Luca Pulvirenti, StudioLab/mammasONica (ACTION Videomapping Workshop and research on cooperative projects), Italy
2014 Individual Work Program – Staff Mobility for Trainig, LLP-Erasmus Programme, Foundati on for the Development of the Education System, Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw – MILOSH.L.STUDIO, (broadening the skills of using the MadMapper and Module8 software), Paris, France
2013 Video workshop: Premiere Pro / After Effects, Adobe Creative Days, Poland Adobe, Warsaw, Poland
2012 Individual Work Program – Staff Mobility for Trainig, LLP-Erasmus Programme, Foundati on for the Development of the Education System, Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw – Academy of Fine Arts in Rome (prof. Piero Mottola, Sound Design Studio), Italy
body and voice experiences
2024 Essence of Voice, vocal techniques workshop, Michał E-Shu Szerląg, Strefa Bycia, Warsaw
2024 practice of Movement Medicine, Asia Sierpowska, Warszawa
2023 5rhythms, Tomasz Szymocha, Warsaw, Poland
2020 – 2023 Teacher training – hatha yoga according to the B.K.S. Iyengar method, mentor Konrad Kocot, CIRANTAR, Iyengar Yoga Association in Poland
2021 member of the Iyengar Yoga Association
2020/2018 Hatha Yoga, B.K.S. Iyengar’s yoga method, Sławomir Bubicz Yoga Institute, regular practice, Warsaw, Poland
2019 5rhythms, Tomasz Szymocha, Warsaw, Poland
2018 Moving for Freedom, 5rhythms,Adam Barley, Warsztatownia, Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego Józefa Piłsudskiego w Warszawie, Poland
2018 Naked Existance, Atsushi Takenouchi, Jinen butoh, Butohsfera, Warsaw, Poland
2018 Essence of Voice, vocal techniques workshop, Michał E-Shu Szerląg, Warsaw
2017 Hatha Yoga, B.K.S. Iyengar’s yoga method, workshop, Bartek Łukasz Miklas, Sagar School of Yoga, Wroclaw, Poland
2017 Dancer – Hunter of Dreams, The Rite of Dreams, Burdąg Foundation / Space for Performing Arts, Poland
2017 God, Sex and The Body, 5rhythms, Jonathan Horan, Warsaw, Poland
2017 Soul Motion, Michael Molin Skelton, Syrena Theatre, Warsaw, Poland
2017 Inside and Outside,Atsushi Takenouchi, Jinen butoh, Baza Theatre, Warsaw, Poland
2016 Warsaw Dance Department (WDD), Irad Mazliah, Takako Matsuda, Stefano Silvino, Marek Zajączkowski, Maciej Pela, Beata Grzesińska, Adi Weinberg, Wojciech Grudziński, Izabela Milewska / part time student, Palace of Culture and Science, Warsaw, Poland
2015 Song-creation, Body and Voice Laboratory with Samuel Alty, Warsaw Dance Department, Warsaw, Poland
2015 Unit with Atsushi Takenouchi, Jinen butoh, Baza Theatre, Warsaw, Poland
2015 Cycles, 5rhythms, Jonathan Horan, Cologny, Germany
2015 Cycles, 5rhythms, Jonathan Horan, Art Garden, Krakow, Poland
2015 God, Sex and The Body, 5rhythms, Jonathan Horan, Cologny, Germany
2015 Heart alchemy, Heartbeat, 5rhythms, Sangeet John Portalski, Warsaw, Poland
2015 Contra/diction, Studio Matejka, Grotowski Institute, Wroclaw, Poland
2014 Singing Workshop with Emma Bonnici, Wroclaw, Poland
2014 Israeli Contemporary, Michael Getman, Labolab Farmat Zero Group, Piękna Center, Warsaw, Poland
2014 Listening to your body – Irena Tomazin, Grotowski Institute, Wroclaw, Poland
2014 Apollo and Dionysus, Jinen butoh – Atsushi Takenouchi, Baza Theatre, Warsaw, Poland
2014 HotYoga, BikYasa Yoga, San Francisco, USA
2014/2010 Hatha Yoga, B.K.S. Iyengar’s yoga method, regular practice, Sławomir Bubicz Yoga Academy, Arek Zdzienicki & other teachers, Warsaw, Poland
2013 Master Class with Bill T. Jones/Arnie Zane Dance Company, YBCA, San Francisco, USA
2013 Haitian Folkloric Dance i Montion, Afro-Cuban Orisha Dance, African Diaspora: Guinean, Jurney in the Middle: A Kongolese Movement Experiance, YBCA, San Francisco, USA
2013 HotYoga, BikYasa Yoga, San Francisco, USA
2013 Liquid Way to Action, Studio Matejka, The forest base of the Grotowski Institute, Brzezinka, Poland
2013 Hatha Yoga, B.K.S. Iyengar’s yoga method, Pranayama, Sławomir Bubicz Yoga Academy, Tomasz Pałyska, Poland
2012 Hatha Yoga, B.K.S. Iyengar’s yoga method, Pranayama, Sławomir Bubicz Yoga Academy, Arek Zdzienicki, Poland
2010 Trans weekend, Bretoncaffe Theatre – Anna Godowska, Studio Burdąg, Burgąd, Poland
2008 Lomi lomi nui technique, Ewa Mormul, Konstancin-Jeziorna, Poland
2006/2004 Hatha Yoga, B.K.S. Iyengar’s yoga method, regular practice, Adam Bielewicz, Warsaw, Poland
2005 Hatha Yoga, B.K.S. Iyengar’s yoga method, Pranayama, Adam Bielewicz, Wilga, Poland
2005 Modern dance techniques and improvisation – Anna Godowska, The Choreographers and Dancers Centre in Jagniątków, Poland
2004 Modern dance techniques and improvisation – Anna Godowska, The Choreographers and Dancers Centre in Jagniątków, Poland
the functions performed at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw
position: assistant, adjunct / PhD, academy professor, DSc
2006/2010 I have been working at the Faculty of Graphic Arts, Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw with prof. Krzysztof Olszewski (drawing and graphic arts studio), prof. Błażej Ostoja Lniski (graphic arts studio), dr hab. Rafał Kochański (graphic arts studio).
Since 2009 I have been co-creating with prof. Krzysztof Olszewski, Intermedia Communication Studio at the Faculty of Media Art. Depending on the changes taking place at the Faculty of Media Art and Stage Design and later at the Faculty of Media Art. Classes were held at various levels of education.
Faculty of Media Art
2021/2022 sabbatical for research purposes
2020/2021 health leave
Intermedia Organism, teacher dr Magdalena Janus
– classes of Bachelor’s degree students in their second year of studies
Intermedia Communication, teacher prof. Krzysztof Olszewski, assistant dr Magdalena Janus
– classes of Bachelor’s degree students in their second and third year of studies
– classes of Master’s degree students in their first and second year of studies
– participation in the formation of Bachelor and Master’s degrees theses
– classes of the Erasmus+ student’s
2012/2018 I supported regular evening studies classes and diploma realizations thesis
from 2018 I support diploma realizations theses during evening studies
Intermedia Communication
teacher dr Magdalena Janus
– classes of Bachelor’s degree students in their second year of studies
teacher prof. Krzysztof Olszewski, assistant dr Magdalena Janus
– classes of Bachelor’s degree students in their second and third year of studies
– classes of Master’s degree students in their first and second year of studies
– participation in the formation of Bachelor and Master’s degrees theses
– classes of the Erasmus+ student’s
Faculty of Media Art and Stage Design, from 2013/2014 Faculty of Media Art
Intermedia Communication, teacher prof. Krzysztof Olszewski, assistant dr Magdalena Janus
– classes of Bachelor’s degree students in their second and third year of studies
– classes of Master’s degree students in their first and second year of studies
– participation in the formation of Bachelor and Master’s degrees theses
– classes of the Erasmus student’s
Intermedia Communication, teacher prof. Krzysztof Olszewski, assistant dr Magdalena Janus
– classes of Bachelor’s degree students in their first, second and third year of studies
– classes of Master’s degree students in their first and second year of studies
– participation in the formation of Bachelor and Master’s degrees theses
– classes of the Erasmus student’s